Christian Family Fellowship is a group of Christians who seek a return to first century principles of worship, fellowship and communion in a family integrated home setting.
Our Purpose
As the body of Christ, we endeavor to worship God reverently in both spirit and truth. It is our purpose to make disciples of Jesus Christ, then teach them to obey all that He has commanded us. We also desire to imitate our Lord’s example of servant-hood as we meet the spiritual, physical, and emotional needs of others.
Why do we meet in a home?
The early disciples of Christ worshiped almost exclusively in each others’ homes until about 300 AD. While scripture does not expressly forbid church-owned or rented buildings, we place a priority on feeding the hungry and clothing those in need over the maintenance of a building.
Our Staff
We do not have a staff. While Christian Family Fellowship is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, we are entirely a lay ministry. One hundred percent of tithes and offerings are used for charitable purposes.
A Typical Meeting
Adults and children gather together and, although we don’t follow any real “order of service”, we often begin with prayer, followed by a number of hymns as requested. We then study scripture together, verse by verse, chapter by chapter, in an expository manner. We usually close with hymns and discussion.
Immediately following, we share a potluck-style meal together, during which we participate in the Lord’s Supper. If you are planning to visit with us, please don’t worry about bringing anything! We always have plenty.
Family Integrated?
Worshiping together as a family allows parents to come alongside children just as Christ did with the early disciples. A great majority of modern day churches are dividing families with “ministries” aimed at age, gender, status, etc. Scripturally, fathers are called to lead their families and bear the responsibility to train up children in the way of the Lord. Older wives are to teach the younger, and young men are to learn from the example of elders.
Children who are raised in a church where fathers lead their families are four times more likely to remain in the faith than those who are not. In fact, reputable studies show that the majority of children who are only “Sunday schooled” will leave the faith before they graduate.